Data Protection & Compliance

The information presented on this website is intended for informational purposes only and is provided by OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l., a Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF) operating under the laws of Luxembourg.

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The content available on this website does not constitute an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to buy or sell any financial instr ument or to engage in any investment or transaction. It is not intended to serve as legal, financial, or investment advice. Visitors are encouraged to seek independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.

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While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the information presented, OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l. does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any information or statements contained herein. The content may become outdated due to changes in market conditions, legal requirements, or other factors beyond our control.

Investment Risks

Investing in financial products involves inherent risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors should carefully consider all risks associated with any investment, including the potential for loss of capital.

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OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l.is committed to protecting user privacy and personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

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Any dispute arising from the use of this website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Luxembourg. The courts of Luxembourg shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any such dispute.

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OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l.reserves the right to modify or update this disclaimer without prior notice. Users are encouraged to review this disclaimer periodically for any changes.

Forward-looking statements are merely forecasts and are subject to unexpected risks and uncertainties. They can therefore in no way be guaranteed. The value of investment products can rise or fall at any time. The future performance of investment products cannot be deduced by the indicated, historical development. As a result, good performance in the past is not a reliable indicator of positive value development in the future. OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l., can therefore neither ensure nor guarantee the maintenance or increase of the value of the invested capital.

Forward-looking statements

Forward-looking statements are merely forecasts and are subject to unexpected risks and uncertainties. They can therefore in no way be guaranteed. The value of investment products can rise or fall at any time.

The future performance of investment products cannot be deduced by the indicated, historical development. As a result, good performance in the past is not a reliable indicator of positive value development in the future. OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l., can therefore neither ensure nor guarantee the maintenance or increase of the value of the invested capital.

Exclusion of Liability

OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l checks and updates the information and content on its website on a regular basis. However, it assumes no liability (and no third-party liability) for the correctness, reliability or completeness of the information provided.

The information provided on this website as well as the legal notices may be changed at any time without prior notification.

OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l therefore recommends accessing and reading this document regularly in order to be familiar with possible changes. As a result, information once published on this website should not be understood to mean that matters have remained the same since publication or since the regulatory authority was notified or that the information is still up-to-date following its publication. The validity of the information and recommendations is limited to the point in time of their being issued and may change based on market developments and their targets. The information and opinions contained in these documents come from reliable sources. However, OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l cannot give a guarantee of their accuracy.

OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l denies all liability for manipulations to the internet user’s EDP/IT system by unauthorised parties.

OEL Fund Services S.á.r.l expressly points out the danger of viruses, so-called malware and spyware, and the possibility of targeted hacking attacks. The use of current browser versions as well as the installation of continuously updated anti-virus software is recommended for combating viruses. E-mails of unknown origin as well as e-mails with unexpected attachments should not be opened on principle.

Data Protection

This notice provides an overview of our approach to handling personal data and outlines the rights customers have under data protection law. How we process and utilize specific data depends on the services provided by OEL Fund Services s.á.r.l.

OEL Fund Services s.á.r.l. is the controller within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”).

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We process personal data in accordance with the provisions of the data protection law of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

In order to ensure that your personal data is comprehensively protected, we comply with the applicable provisions of the Luxembourg Act of 1 August 2018 in relation to the organization of the CNPD and the implementation of the GDPR and any legal authorizations or bases concerning data protection which may be applicable.

Legal & Compliance

Transforming your investment concepts into legally compliant funds is a specialty of our Legal & Compliance experts. Whether creating documents from scratch or collaborating with your legal advisors, our team ensures a seamless process. We engage proactively with supervisory authorities, facilitating swift fund approvals and addressing any arising legal complexities once your fund is operational. 

Our array of services is designed to facilitate your investment journey, offering meticulous support across legal, administrative, and regulatory domains.

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